Human Friendly International


to improve the lifestyle of underprivileged society
Human beings across the world love to be helped and befriended. They crave appreciation, respect and value. Just a touch of friendliness, even from a stranger, can impact their lives in ways we cannot imagine.Sadly, for many disadvantaged communities, this connection is missing. Across much of the world, poor children aren’t given the education they deserve, for example. Sick patients aren’t treated as they should be. And deprived communities aren’t helped as they ought to be.

Explore Charity Event Ideas For Fundraising

Broklyn Street 40, New York
12:00 am

Healthy Food for Growing

Broklyn Street 40, New York
12:00 am

Explore Charity Event Ideas For Fundraising

Broklyn Street 40, New York
12:00 am

Healthy Food for Growing

Broklyn Street 40, New York
12:00 am


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